
5 Ways to Introduce Wellness into Your Daily Routine

Looking to introduce an all-natural wellness regimen into your daily regimen without breaking the bank? Here are 5 simple ways to begin by using essential oils: 1. Ditch your candles  Let me start by saying I used to be one of the biggest candle lovers out there, I totally understand enjoying the smell of a warm sugar cookie on a winter day or fresh, clean linen on a lazy Sunday. But what if I said you could get those same satisfying scents for the same amount of money, while receiving double the health benefits? Well I'm here to tell you, you can. By diffusing Young Living essential oils, you get way more for your money. Most of my absolute favorite oils to diffuse are under $20 a bottle (and even cheaper for wholesale members). Not only can I blend together some pretty intoxicating scents, like Summer Breeze and Snickerdoodle, but I also reap the benefits of having those essential oils in my system. I'm about to get a little nerdy here, but it's important to un...

Dear Stress, Let's Break Up

Raise your hand if you're in a relationship with stress.  🙋🏻 Good, now put your hands down. It's time to have a serious talk. Let's start with the definition of stress:  " a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances." If you're anything like me, that "state of mental or emotional strain" from "very demanding circumstances" is basically an every day occurrence. Between work, relationships, a social life, adulting, money, and health, the stressors are just about everywhere!  From May to August this year, I can't remember a moment when I wasn't stressed. My boyfriend accepted a job in Florida at the end of April, which meant packing up our lives in Cincinnati and starting new in a place we'd never been before. This wouldn't have been so stressful accept for the fact that he started his job in May, so I was left to figure everything out on my own...

Push Your Limits

Do something  invigorating . You won't regret it. This morning, I woke up knowing I had a long day of work ahead. I snoozed my alarm. I made my pot of coffee. I threw my hair up in a bun and told myself to get moving. I call this my routine .  Most days, my routine does the opposite of excite me.  I was so in my zone, I almost forgot I had a big challenge in front of me today. I was tasked with doing some content editing and writing for a new client at work, which both thrilled and scared the crap out of me at the same time. I love writing, but it's not a skill I've practiced much in the last year. It's usually an obstacle for me just to get into a writing mindset, and it definitely didn't help being under the pressures of a deadline and meeting high expectations from the client. So, I did what any savvy professional should do. I pulled out the diffuser.  I needed more than just a nice scent. I needed a blend for focus, creativity, intelligence,...

The Age of the Independent Distributor

We all know somebody who's selling on social media. Facebook groups, live videos, online parties... you name it, my feed is filled with it these days. And now here I am, writing a blog about essential oils and possibly hoping you'll be interested enough to either buy some products off me, or join my team. Cliche, I know. But here's the thing. We're all selling something we believe in. LulaRoe leggings can be your most comfortable pants. LipSense probably does make you look and feel gorgeous. And Norwex's cleaning supplies are your dream come true. What's so wrong with that? I know what you're already saying, "I can buy the same things at Target for way cheaper." While that may be semi-true, and neither of us are going to stop shopping at Target anytime soon, there's a reason these specific companies and products are not available in stores. And while I can't do much talking about the previously mentioned companies, this is whe...

Introduction to Frankincense & Feels

Welcome to my blog! It took me long enough, but I made the decision to start Frankincense & Feels because I love writing, and I finally have something worth writing about. I'm taking after my mother and diving into the world of essential oils. Like many people, when I first heard of essential oils, I denounced their powers and called them "witch oils," but now I'm in. And there's no going back. Here's my story. I moved to Cincinnati last June and for months on end my face was a wreck! No matter what products I used to cover up and then clean off, I always ended up breaking out. At one point I stopped wearing foundation altogether, in hopes it would solve my problem. But I hated going to work with a splotchy, bumpy red face. I already looked like the youngest person in the office... the acne definitely didn't help! One weekend in March, my mom came to visit me. She had been selling Young Living essential oils since November, but couldn...